Two of Swords
The Two of Swords indicates that you are facing a challenging decision, but you are unclear about which option to take. Both possibilities may seem equally good – or equally bad – and you are stumped about which will lead you to the best outcome. You must be able to weigh up the pros and cons of each choice and then make a conscious judgment. Use both your head (your mind and the intellect) and your heart (your feelings and intuition) to choose the path that is most in alignment with your Higher Self.
In a reading, it may be helpful to draw a further two cards for either side of the Two of Swords to show what it is you are trying to decide upon or balance. You may also like to draw four more cards, for the pros and cons of each choice.
The woman in this card wears a blindfold, indicating that she cannot see the entirety of her circumstance. You may lack the information you need to make the right decisions. You may be missing something, such as the threats or potential risks, alternative solutions or critical pieces of information that would help guide you in a particular direction. Once you remove the blindfold and see the situation for what it really is, you will be in a much better position to find your best path forward. Research your options more, seek outside opinions and feedback and ask yourself what you might be missing.
It is also possible that the woman in the Two of Swords has intentionally chosen to put on the blindfold to avoid making a choice. Are you trying to hide from a challenging situation or impending decision, hoping that if you ignore it long enough, you won’t need to worry about it? Unfortunately, the issue is unlikely to resolve itself, and the longer you delay, the longer you will prolong this present situation.
Similarly, the Two of Swords can reflect indecision and an impasse on an important matter. Again, you can only put it off so long; at some point, you have to make a move.
The Two of Swords comes as a reminder that many of life’s decisions are difficult ones and rarely come with clear-cut answers. The invitation is to make your choices with your best intentions, fully aware of the possible consequences. Avoidance will lead to greater conflict and stagnation.
Source: Biddy Tarot
The Two of Swords indicates that you are facing a challenging decision, but you are unclear about which option to take. Both possibilities may seem equally good – or equally bad – and you are stumped about which will lead you to the best outcome. You must be able to weigh up the pros and cons of each choice and then make a conscious judgment. Use both your head (your mind and the intellect) and your heart (your feelings and intuition) to choose the path that is most in alignment with your Higher Self.
In a reading, it may be helpful to draw a further two cards for either side of the Two of Swords to show what it is you are trying to decide upon or balance. You may also like to draw four more cards, for the pros and cons of each choice.
The woman in this card wears a blindfold, indicating that she cannot see the entirety of her circumstance. You may lack the information you need to make the right decisions. You may be missing something, such as the threats or potential risks, alternative solutions or critical pieces of information that would help guide you in a particular direction. Once you remove the blindfold and see the situation for what it really is, you will be in a much better position to find your best path forward. Research your options more, seek outside opinions and feedback and ask yourself what you might be missing.
It is also possible that the woman in the Two of Swords has intentionally chosen to put on the blindfold to avoid making a choice. Are you trying to hide from a challenging situation or impending decision, hoping that if you ignore it long enough, you won’t need to worry about it? Unfortunately, the issue is unlikely to resolve itself, and the longer you delay, the longer you will prolong this present situation.
Similarly, the Two of Swords can reflect indecision and an impasse on an important matter. Again, you can only put it off so long; at some point, you have to make a move.
The Two of Swords comes as a reminder that many of life’s decisions are difficult ones and rarely come with clear-cut answers. The invitation is to make your choices with your best intentions, fully aware of the possible consequences. Avoidance will lead to greater conflict and stagnation.
Source: Biddy Tarot