Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles is all about sharing your wealth and abundance with others. You have accumulated great wealth and are now in a position to offer financial assistance to those in need. You give generously through charitable donations, tithing or fundraising and enjoy the good feelings associated with helping others. Even if you are not financially wealthy, you offer up your time, energy, love and support to those who are in need, knowing it will be appreciated. Giving of your time or your wisdom is often just as spiritually fulfilling as giving away money or gifts, and the intangible gift of your presence is received just as well, if not better. There may be times when you wonder if you can truly afford to give generously to others – and the wise advice of the Six of Pentacles is to trust that every contribution you make is valued and will come back to you threefold.
You may also be inclined to make a loan to someone on the premise that they will eventually pay you back once they are back on their feet. This is a loan built on trust and good faith, knowing that if you give something away, it will come back to you. Remember, though, that this exchange is more about a short-term fix and not a sustainable solution. So, think about how you can financially support your family or friends in a way that encourages them towards self-sufficiency.
On the other hand, you may be on the receiving end of other people’s generosity, accepting these gifts with gratitude. This will help you to get back on your feet and to eventually repay the charitable organisation or individual, either with your time or your restored wealth. You will also need to identify ways in which you can become more self-sufficient in the long run. The risk of accepting charity is that you become dependent on it and cannot look after yourself. Be mindful that you are not growing submissive or noticeably desperate as a result of the charity that someone else is providing you.
Finally, the Six of Pentacles is a card representing financial harmony. The amounts flowing in and out are in balance, and you are thankful for what you have and happy to share with others in need.
Source: Biddy Tarot
The Six of Pentacles is all about sharing your wealth and abundance with others. You have accumulated great wealth and are now in a position to offer financial assistance to those in need. You give generously through charitable donations, tithing or fundraising and enjoy the good feelings associated with helping others. Even if you are not financially wealthy, you offer up your time, energy, love and support to those who are in need, knowing it will be appreciated. Giving of your time or your wisdom is often just as spiritually fulfilling as giving away money or gifts, and the intangible gift of your presence is received just as well, if not better. There may be times when you wonder if you can truly afford to give generously to others – and the wise advice of the Six of Pentacles is to trust that every contribution you make is valued and will come back to you threefold.
You may also be inclined to make a loan to someone on the premise that they will eventually pay you back once they are back on their feet. This is a loan built on trust and good faith, knowing that if you give something away, it will come back to you. Remember, though, that this exchange is more about a short-term fix and not a sustainable solution. So, think about how you can financially support your family or friends in a way that encourages them towards self-sufficiency.
On the other hand, you may be on the receiving end of other people’s generosity, accepting these gifts with gratitude. This will help you to get back on your feet and to eventually repay the charitable organisation or individual, either with your time or your restored wealth. You will also need to identify ways in which you can become more self-sufficient in the long run. The risk of accepting charity is that you become dependent on it and cannot look after yourself. Be mindful that you are not growing submissive or noticeably desperate as a result of the charity that someone else is providing you.
Finally, the Six of Pentacles is a card representing financial harmony. The amounts flowing in and out are in balance, and you are thankful for what you have and happy to share with others in need.
Source: Biddy Tarot