Page of Wands
With the Page of Wands, you are inclined to give anything and everything a go. You embrace the opportunity to start out on a new journey or project and see where it takes you. You do not necessarily have a solid plan in place, nor do you really know where you are headed, but you are excited about the possibilities.
You have a gift for dreaming up new creative ideas unfettered by the burdens of everyday life. Nothing will get in the way of your dreams!
And while the appearance of the Page of Wands indicates that you are experiencing creative restlessness, notice that the Page is standing still and his staff is firmly planted on the ground – he is not going anywhere just yet. You still need to take your creative spark and ground it down into reality so that it is ready to be implemented in the physical realm. You may need to map out your strategy, or you may need to test your ideas or create a few experiments before committing. It could be helpful to run your thoughts through a filter so that you only act on those most aligned with your broader goals.
The Page of Wands can appear when a spiritual path or journey may be calling you. You have a curious mind and are intrigued to see where this call might lead. While you are very much the novice when it comes to this spiritual endeavour, you are open to the experience and keen to discover new levels of consciousness. You may benefit from working with a wise mentor, someone who has walked your path before and can now lead you forward
Source: Biddy Tarot
With the Page of Wands, you are inclined to give anything and everything a go. You embrace the opportunity to start out on a new journey or project and see where it takes you. You do not necessarily have a solid plan in place, nor do you really know where you are headed, but you are excited about the possibilities.
You have a gift for dreaming up new creative ideas unfettered by the burdens of everyday life. Nothing will get in the way of your dreams!
And while the appearance of the Page of Wands indicates that you are experiencing creative restlessness, notice that the Page is standing still and his staff is firmly planted on the ground – he is not going anywhere just yet. You still need to take your creative spark and ground it down into reality so that it is ready to be implemented in the physical realm. You may need to map out your strategy, or you may need to test your ideas or create a few experiments before committing. It could be helpful to run your thoughts through a filter so that you only act on those most aligned with your broader goals.
The Page of Wands can appear when a spiritual path or journey may be calling you. You have a curious mind and are intrigued to see where this call might lead. While you are very much the novice when it comes to this spiritual endeavour, you are open to the experience and keen to discover new levels of consciousness. You may benefit from working with a wise mentor, someone who has walked your path before and can now lead you forward
Source: Biddy Tarot